Brunswick Housing Authority Section 8 Waiting List (Open)

The Brunswick Housing Authority section 8 waiting list is Open on August 9, 2024. Eligible Individuals can apply for the BHA Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher waiting list application from the official website at

Brunswick Housing Authority will accept the Application form until 100 in-person and 100 online applications are received.

This is the first time the BHA waiting list is open since it closed in July 2023.

Brunswick Housing Authority Section 8 Waiting List

Housing AuthorityBrunswick Housing Authority (BHA)
Waiting ListSection 8 Housing Choice Voucher
Service AreaJune 15, 2024
Offered byHousing Choice Voucher Program
Starting DateAugust 9, 2024
Publisher Portalhousing authority guide


The BHA waiting list includes the following priorities:-

  • Families that have been dropped from their HCV program due to insufficient program funds.
  • Victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking who are either referred by a partnering service agency or consortia or who are seeking an emergency transfer under VAWA from a PHA’s public housing program or another covered housing program operated by the PHA. The individuals must certify that the abuser will not live with the people unless the PHA gives prior written approval.

Brunswick Housing Authority Section 8 application

The Brunswick Housing Authority Section 8 application will accept online applications in Glynn County, Georgia on on August 9, 2024.

Individuals can apply for the Section 8 application online from the BHA official website. you need to be eligible for Section 8 HCV and provide some required documents. check out the below.

Eligibility Requirement:

  • You must live in Glynn County, Georgia, USA
  • Age must be 18 years old
  • You have legal documentation to verify you.

Required Documents:

You need to provide some required documents to apply for the Brunswick section 8 waiting list.

  1. First and last names
  2. Date of Births
  3. Email or phone
  4. Social Security Numbers (SSN)
  5. Income amounts and sources and Aids
  6. Emergency or alternative contact details
  7. Proof of residence
  8. Proof of citizenship/immigration status

Selection Process: Section 8 Waiting List Selected applicants will be placed on the waiting list by random lottery according to the order of preference.

How to Apply for Brunswick Section 8 waiting list

There are two ways to apply for the Brunswick waitlist- Online application and through the BHA office.

  • Online application: Visit the official website of BHA through the link. Register your account and log in. Fill out the application form with the required details. upload document and submit.
  • BHA office: Visit the BHA office and pick up an application in person. located at 1200 Albany St, Brunswick, GA 31520. fill out the application and attach the document. finally, submit it.

After the paper application process had been completed, it was to be returned to the BHA office, the address mentioned above by August 19, 2024.

Customer Services: To get assistance with the BHA section 8 waiting list, you can contact us by Phone at 912.265.1334

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